"Because I live, you will live also."
- John 14:19
The miracle of Easter celebrated yesterday by Christians throughout the world is the recognition that we are alive. Amid all the discussions of our ability to explore space and take journeys where no one has gone before, we are aware of one unavoidable and necessary trip. We all travel the road to death,\.
Jesus Christ walked that road. At the end of it is an open tomb and a living Person. The witness of His disciples, the testimony of those who saw Him alive, and the statements of the Bible are all directed to this truth: Christ has conquered death.
Because of that Easter miracle we are alive. And although it does not yet appear what . . .
"Because I live, you will live also."
- John 14:19
The miracle of Easter celebrated yesterday by Christians throughout the world is the recognition that we are alive. Amid all the discussions of our ability to explore space and take journeys where no one has gone before, we are aware of one unavoidable and necessary trip. We all travel the road to death,\.
Jesus Christ walked that road. At the end of it is an open tomb and a living Person. The witness of His disciples, the testimony of those who saw Him alive, and the statements of the Bible are all directed to this truth: Christ has conquered death.
Because of that Easter miracle we are alive. And although it does not yet appear what we shall be, we know that we are alive, and that one day we shall see Him as He is. That fact of eternity gives life a completely new perspective.
"Why are we Christians?" Martin Luther once asked, "It is neither preached nor sought after. Surely, we are so named after Christ not because He is absent from us but because He dwells in us, that is, because we believe in Him." And He in whom we believe declared, "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE."
Christ is the life, the empty tomb
Proclaims His conquering arm;
And those who put their trust in Him
Nor death nor hell shall harm.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Because Christ is alive, we need not fear death.