"And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not."
- Luke 24:11
What crowds filled our churches last Sunday. If only we could be sure that all believed that our Savior lives. On the first Easter it was the women who believed the good news. It was the men who thought they were hearing foolish tales. Thank God, their minds were soon to be changed.
Some of us may have wondered what draws so many to church on Easter. Is it not because all of us want to know what lies beyond the grave? Is it not because Easter says so clearly, "There is another live"?
Not all who heard this news will believe that we can live again with Jesus if we trust in Him. But is it not right to say that many will have found new hope as a result of the Gospel message they heard on Sunday?
Let us not ridicule the seldom-if-ever worshipers who came to our churches. We can do something far better. We can thank God they came. We can pray that . . .
"And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not."
- Luke 24:11
What crowds filled our churches last Sunday. If only we could be sure that all believed that our Savior lives. On the first Easter it was the women who believed the good news. It was the men who thought they were hearing foolish tales. Thank God, their minds were soon to be changed.
Some of us may have wondered what draws so many to church on Easter. Is it not because all of us want to know what lies beyond the grave? Is it not because Easter says so clearly, "There is another live"?
Not all who heard this news will believe that we can live again with Jesus if we trust in Him. But is it not right to say that many will have found new hope as a result of the Gospel message they heard on Sunday?
Let us not ridicule the seldom-if-ever worshipers who came to our churches. We can do something far better. We can thank God they came. We can pray that Satan might not undo the good work and throw out the good seen that was planted. We can ask God to keep the Scripture reading and messages ringing in their hearts. We can plead that the Spirit of God might take hold of them as never before. We can beg our LORD to make them want to come back to church on the Sunday's to come.
Christian friends, our hearts too, must grow warm every time we think of Him who saved us from sin that we can pass through death to heaven.
God make us men of steadfast faith,
Patient, courageous, strong and true;
With vision clear and mind equipped,
Thy will to learn, Thy will to do.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - God intentions are like eggs; unless hatched into action they soon run to decay.