"Then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles."
- 1 Corinthians 15:7
What a thrill those early Christians experienced when they saw and heard the risen LORD in person. How much easier it was for them to tell others that Jesus suffered, died, and rose again because they had been His eyewitnesses. We know that the several Marys, Thomas, Peter, and the others enjoyed this privilege, but who includes James in the Easter list of eyewitnesses?
In the apostle's record of appearances, Paul writes, "Then He appeared to James."
Who was this James to whom Christ appeared? Some identify him as the brother of John and thus as a member of Christ's intimate triad of disciples. Others may think James the Less, son of Alphaeus, who also was one of our LORD'S apostles. It is more probable that . . .
"Then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles."
- 1 Corinthians 15:7
What a thrill those early Christians experienced when they saw and heard the risen LORD in person. How much easier it was for them to tell others that Jesus suffered, died, and rose again because they had been His eyewitnesses. We know that the several Marys, Thomas, Peter, and the others enjoyed this privilege, but who includes James in the Easter list of eyewitnesses?
In the apostle's record of appearances, Paul writes, "Then He appeared to James."
Who was this James to whom Christ appeared? Some identify him as the brother of John and thus as a member of Christ's intimate triad of disciples. Others may think James the Less, son of Alphaeus, who also was one of our LORD'S apostles. It is more probable that this James was the one who is called "the LORD'S brother," a relative of Jesus who became the head of the church in Jerusalem. This James was at one time very cold to Christ's cause. What changed him? Perhaps it was the risen Christ's appearance that converted Him, as in the case of St. Paul.
At all events, we have in this James another eyewitness of Christ's resurrection.
Abide with me, Thou heavenly Light,
And do not leave me in this night." Amen
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Pray for the Spirit's fruit, which is joy.