Christ is risen, He is risen indeed, Alleluia
"Jesus met them and said, "Hail" and they came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him."
- Matthew 28:9
Christ's promise, "Your sorrow shall be turned into Joy," came true Easter Morning for the women at the empty tomb in Joseph's lovely garden. Having already seen and heard that Jesus had risen, the women now were leaving to tell others the good news: "He is risen indeed."
Leaving the garden, the Savior met them and said, "Hail, which means "rejoice." Their joy was so great that they fell at His feet in all humility and worshiped Him in all sincerity.
He, who had atoned for the sins of all mankind through His suffering, death, and resurrection, stood immediately before them. Just as the women were the first to see Him, so also were they the first to . . .
Christ is risen, He is risen indeed, Alleluia
"Jesus met them and said, "Hail" and they came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him."
- Matthew 28:9
Christ's promise, "Your sorrow shall be turned into Joy," came true Easter Morning for the women at the empty tomb in Joseph's lovely garden. Having already seen and heard that Jesus had risen, the women now were leaving to tell others the good news: "He is risen indeed."
Leaving the garden, the Savior met them and said, "Hail, which means "rejoice." Their joy was so great that they fell at His feet in all humility and worshiped Him in all sincerity.
He, who had atoned for the sins of all mankind through His suffering, death, and resurrection, stood immediately before them. Just as the women were the first to see Him, so also were they the first to touch Him. Matthew tells us, "They came and took hold of His feet."
Christian friends, when you feel close to God, you got it made. We are in touch with God through His sacred Word. He touches us with His grace when we humbly fall at His feet and worship Him as our sin-atoning Savior. He keeps in touch with us in the means of grace, and we with Him in prayer.
May every face be bright with joy
And let no heart be sad;
We come with messages of hope:
"Christ rose! Let us be glad!"
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY- The risen Christ is the reason for our witness.