"Then the Spirit said unto Philip: Go near, and join thyself to this chariot."
- Acts 8:29
We all know that God moves in mysterious ways. Which Apostle would have imagined that the next convert would be a man from Ethiopia, a man who had the rank of treasurer of the Queen Candace?
It was God fulfilling His promise made through the Psalmist: "Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hand to God." It was not a chance meeting which brought together the Ethiopian and the Evangelist Philip. It was not an accident that the thoughtful reader was studying the 53 chapter of Isaiah at the time. God was at work building His kingdom through and with a chosen fellow laborer.
Yes, God opens the way. We follow. Time and again He leads us into unexpected places. What once seemed to us hopeless desert begins to . . .
"Then the Spirit said unto Philip: Go near, and join thyself to this chariot."
- Acts 8:29
We all know that God moves in mysterious ways. Which Apostle would have imagined that the next convert would be a man from Ethiopia, a man who had the rank of treasurer of the Queen Candace?
It was God fulfilling His promise made through the Psalmist: "Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hand to God." It was not a chance meeting which brought together the Ethiopian and the Evangelist Philip. It was not an accident that the thoughtful reader was studying the 53 chapter of Isaiah at the time. God was at work building His kingdom through and with a chosen fellow laborer.
Yes, God opens the way. We follow. Time and again He leads us into unexpected places. What once seemed to us hopeless desert begins to throb with the life of the Gospel.
Christian friends, when we have eyes to see and hearts to feel, missions challenge us as no other activity in life can. To know that God puts into it His redeeming love in Christ; to know that in His infinite mercy He has chosen us to be His partners in this task brings satisfactions which cannot be measured.
Knowing Thee and Thy salvation
Grateful love dare never cease
To proclaim Thy tender mercies,
Gracious LORD, Thy heavenly peace.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - The next person you meet may need to meet Christ.