"Little children, keep yourselves from idols."
- 1 John 5:21
The Apostle John writes in simple language and leads into profound depths of the person of Jesus and of the present and future blessings that are in Him. He closes his First Epistle with the admonition: "Keep yourselves from idols" Anyone who has beheld the glory of the only-begotten Son of God and has known the meaning and power of life in Him would hardly have to be warned against idolatry.
St. John, was the inspired writer of the Holy Spirit, who knows what is in man. The people to whom he wrote were surrounded by idolatry. It was woven in to the pattern of the political, economic, and social life of their communities. It was the fashion of the day and was calling to them with great voices. The Christian, therefore, needed to be . . .
"Little children, keep yourselves from idols."
- 1 John 5:21
The Apostle John writes in simple language and leads into profound depths of the person of Jesus and of the present and future blessings that are in Him. He closes his First Epistle with the admonition: "Keep yourselves from idols" Anyone who has beheld the glory of the only-begotten Son of God and has known the meaning and power of life in Him would hardly have to be warned against idolatry.
St. John, was the inspired writer of the Holy Spirit, who knows what is in man. The people to whom he wrote were surrounded by idolatry. It was woven in to the pattern of the political, economic, and social life of their communities. It was the fashion of the day and was calling to them with great voices. The Christian, therefore, needed to be reminded time and again of the danger of yielding to it.
After all these years there still is more idolatry in our Christian country than we realize. Many worship their wealth and power. Pleasure in its various ways draws the hearts of many away from God.
Christian friends, we are not immune. The Parable of the Sower is a picture of what happens down through the years wherever the Word of God is preached. The empty pews in our churches and the comparatively small number of people engaged in the God-given task of the Christian in a sinful world speak loudly of the spread of idolatry in our day.
So often, LORD, in seeking You,
My sin distorts and dims my view;
Help me in prayer to see Your face
And learn Your righteousness and grace.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - We are made in God's image, He is not to be made in ours.