"You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy."
- Leviticus 19:2
Many resent what they call the narrow restraints of religion. They prefer to make God over into their image and then set moral standards which would meet with the approval of such a God. The net result is something which they call the Golden Rule.
God reserves for Himself the right to name the condition under which He will accept man. He says: "Ye shall be holy." He will not tolerate any change or modification of these terms. His curse rests upon those who . . .
"You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy."
- Leviticus 19:2
Many resent what they call the narrow restraints of religion. They prefer to make God over into their image and then set moral standards which would meet with the approval of such a God. The net result is something which they call the Golden Rule.
God reserves for Himself the right to name the condition under which He will accept man. He says: "Ye shall be holy." He will not tolerate any change or modification of these terms. His curse rests upon those who do not meet them.
As a result, we would be the most tragic of God's creatures if Jesus through His perfect obedience had not provided the required holiness and through His suffering and death had not atoned for our sinfulness.
Christian friends, this is our only hope, Jesus says: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Me."
Here we rest in wonder, viewing
All our sins on Jesus laid,
And a full redemption flowing
For the sacrifice He made.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Let's live wholly for a holy God. Christ offered Himself for our sins; we must offer ourselves for His service.