Read Psalm 139
When this Psalm was written, the area within which man moved was comparatively small. But today man descends into the depths and heights of the world. But at no time does he move beyond the range and providence of God. God is everywhere, and He sustains His own. He leads them according to His wise and loving counsel.
If we had eyes to see, we would be amazed at the tangible evidence of God's deep interest in us. We would observe His angels keeping us and rendering such other service as God considers necessary for our welfare.
St. Paul saw this love of God with the eyes of . . .
Read Psalm 139
When this Psalm was written, the area within which man moved was comparatively small. But today man descends into the depths and heights of the world. But at no time does he move beyond the range and providence of God. God is everywhere, and He sustains His own. He leads them according to His wise and loving counsel.
If we had eyes to see, we would be amazed at the tangible evidence of God's deep interest in us. We would observe His angels keeping us and rendering such other service as God considers necessary for our welfare.
St. Paul saw this love of God with the eyes of faith. He said triumphantly: "I am persuaded that neither death, life, angels, principalities powers, things present, things to come, height, depth, or other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our LORD."
Christians friends, God forgives the past, controls the present, and holds the future. His presence enables us to face tomorrow with complete confidence. Put your hand in His hand.
I may not always understand
The way that You will lead,
But LORD in faith I'll clasp Your hand
And trust You for each need.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Those who see God's hand in everything can best leave everything in God's hands.