"Curse Meroz, said the angel of the LORD. Curse its people bitterly, because they did not come to help the LORD, to help the LORD against the mighty."
- Judges 5:23 also read Matthew 25:41-46
A divine curse was pronounced by the LORD upon the inhabitants of the village of Meroz.(members of the nation of Israel refused to help). Not because they had committed some outstanding wickedness, but because they had failed in their duty. They had refused to come to the help of the LORD'S people in fighting against the mighty Canaanites. They wanted to enjoy the prosperity of the Promised Land without fighting the battles appointed them by the LORD. In selfishly seeking their own welfare they forfeited God's favor.
Many Christians are like these people of Meroz. They want to enjoy ease and comfort while others are fighting the LORD'S battles. They want to enjoy all the benefits of the Christian Church, when and as it pleases them, but are unwilling to . . .
"Curse Meroz, said the angel of the LORD. Curse its people bitterly, because they did not come to help the LORD, to help the LORD against the mighty."
- Judges 5:23 also read Matthew 25:41-46
A divine curse was pronounced by the LORD upon the inhabitants of the village of Meroz.(members of the nation of Israel refused to help). Not because they had committed some outstanding wickedness, but because they had failed in their duty. They had refused to come to the help of the LORD'S people in fighting against the mighty Canaanites. They wanted to enjoy the prosperity of the Promised Land without fighting the battles appointed them by the LORD. In selfishly seeking their own welfare they forfeited God's favor.
Many Christians are like these people of Meroz. They want to enjoy ease and comfort while others are fighting the LORD'S battles. They want to enjoy all the benefits of the Christian Church, when and as it pleases them, but are unwilling to give their share of time and effort and money to build Christ's kingdom. They want to profit by all the by-products of a Christian civilization but are to ready to stand up and testify for the right nor to get into the battle to fight the wrong. They condemn rotten politics and evil conditions in the community but are unwilling to put forth any effort to improve such conditions. There is no blessing of God on mere negative goodness. Indeed God pronounces a curse on inaction when action and service are demanded. Read Matthew 25:41-46 where you will find: "Depart from Me, ye cursed=Ye gave Me no meat- ye gave Me no drink- ye took Me not in - ye visited me not."
Christian friends, the devil tempts us to evil, but we become personally guilty if we yield to his enticements. This text makes it plain that both Satan and man deserve punishment. We can receive forgiveness and anew life in Christ. Satan can't. Don't blame him for your wrongdoing. Trust Christ as your Savior today.
Come to Christ, for time is fleeting,
Harden not your heart today;
For it's Him that you'll be meeting
On that day or dreadful day.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Every sinner has only two options: to be pardoned or punished.