"If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
- 1 John 1:7
Many of us have learned this verse from our youth. Some of us used them as a prayer in our childhood. We have since heard and read them so often that they have become common-place in our lives. We think that we know all that these words convey. But do we?
Do we realize the awfulness of sin? Do we fear its damning power? Do we appreciate the fact that cleansing from sin is our greatest need day by day? We know that Christ redeemed us from sin; but do we remember the price? "Not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood.:" The gracious teachings of Jesus, His many deeds of mercy, He whole holy life of self-denial, were all elements in His redemptive work. Yet, without the blood, without that atoning sacrifice on Calvary's cross, there could be . . .
"If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
- 1 John 1:7
Many of us have learned this verse from our youth. Some of us used them as a prayer in our childhood. We have since heard and read them so often that they have become common-place in our lives. We think that we know all that these words convey. But do we?
Do we realize the awfulness of sin? Do we fear its damning power? Do we appreciate the fact that cleansing from sin is our greatest need day by day? We know that Christ redeemed us from sin; but do we remember the price? "Not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood.:" The gracious teachings of Jesus, His many deeds of mercy, He whole holy life of self-denial, were all elements in His redemptive work. Yet, without the blood, without that atoning sacrifice on Calvary's cross, there could be no forgiveness, no cleansing from sin. "Without shedding of blood is no remission" Heb. 9:22. "My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus blood and righteousness."
Christian friends, now how great this comfort: the blood of Christ cleanseth us from alls sin. However deep the stain of guilt, however great the number of sins, the precious blood cleanseth from ALL. Glory be to Jesus "Thou was slain and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood" Rev. 5:9
The Savior is waiting to save you
And cleanse every sin-stain away
By faith you can know full forgiveness
And be a new creature today.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Sin's contamination requires the Savior's cleansing.