"Teach me Thy way, O LORD; I will walk in Thy truth; unite my heart to fear Thy name."
- Psalm 86:11
There is a petition and a pledge blended in one in this text. The Psalmist well realized that in asking for divine favors he was placing himself under obligations rightly to use the same. Too often we ask for spiritual blessings, unmindful of the obligation which the bestowal of these blessings places upon us.
The twofold petition of the Psalmist is one. He already knew the way, that is, the will, of the LORD; but he desired to grow in the knowledge of that way and in harmony with that will. And so he asks God to unite his heart, to unify his heart, so that all the . . .
"Teach me Thy way, O LORD; I will walk in Thy truth; unite my heart to fear Thy name."
- Psalm 86:11
There is a petition and a pledge blended in one in this text. The Psalmist well realized that in asking for divine favors he was placing himself under obligations rightly to use the same. Too often we ask for spiritual blessings, unmindful of the obligation which the bestowal of these blessings places upon us.
The twofold petition of the Psalmist is one. He already knew the way, that is, the will, of the LORD; but he desired to grow in the knowledge of that way and in harmony with that will. And so he asks God to unite his heart, to unify his heart, so that all the desires of his heart should be controlled by the fear or reverence of God and His holy name. With such a prayer he properly pledges himself to walk in God's truth, to live according to the directions of God's holy Word.
These words of the Psalmist make a good motto for Christians living. Our life on this earth is but a brief pilgrimage. It must be our constant desire to walk in Gods truth, according to His will. To that end we must daily come before God in prayer and with a humble heart and teachable mind ask Him to teach us His way, to guide us, so that we may ever better understand His will for our life and better recognize His guiding hand, and the more willingly follow the same.
Christian friends, let us pray each day, "Teach me Your ways, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name."
We need to set aside the time
To read God's Word and pray,
And listen for the Spirit's voice
To guide us in His way.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - God speaks through His Word - Take time to listen.