"Blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it."
- Luke 11:28
Don't we all wish to be happy? Go the world around you and you will find that each and everyone wishes to be happy. There is no difference among men in this respect. The difference lies in the paths along which they seek happiness. Health and wealth, fame and power, pleasure and material things are some of the objects in or through which men hope to find happiness. But none of these can afford lasting happiness; no, not even for a brief period ca these alone bestow real happiness. "A man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth," said Jesus in Luke 12:15.
Things cannot satisfy. For man is more than a material being. He has an . . .
"Blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it."
- Luke 11:28
Don't we all wish to be happy? Go the world around you and you will find that each and everyone wishes to be happy. There is no difference among men in this respect. The difference lies in the paths along which they seek happiness. Health and wealth, fame and power, pleasure and material things are some of the objects in or through which men hope to find happiness. But none of these can afford lasting happiness; no, not even for a brief period ca these alone bestow real happiness. "A man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth," said Jesus in Luke 12:15.
Things cannot satisfy. For man is more than a material being. He has an immaterial spirit, an immortal soul, which only god can satisfy. "Thou, God, hast created us unto Thyself; restless is our soul until it rests in Thee." The universal longing for happiness is an echo of the lost bliss of Paradise. Through sin, through man's estrangement from God, it continues to be lost to most men. But Jesus, by His blessed work of redemption, has reopened the gate to Paradise. In the Gospel of His redeeming love He offers us reconciliation with God, forgiveness and peace. These are the essentials of man's happiness now and hereafter.
Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word
We are gathered all to hear Thee;
Let our hearts and souls be stirred
Now to seek and love and fear Thee;
By Thy teaching sweet and holy
Dawn from earth to love Thee solely.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - "let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom"