"The LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you."
- 2 Timothy 4:22
Most of our church services close with a benediction. In so doing we follow the pattern set by God Himself to His instructions to Aaron in Numbers 6:22-27. and also by the Apostles of Jesus Christ, who closed their epistles with similar benedictions.
As Christians we should use these Scriptural benedictions in our personal lives, such as in family devotions and the closing of our letters to absent members in the family. Especially in these days, when so many sons and daughters are leaving their homes for college, work, or to enter the armed forces of our country, should hear these words of divine benediction. I'm remembering my grandfather using it everytime he came to visit or . . .
"The LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you."
- 2 Timothy 4:22
Most of our church services close with a benediction. In so doing we follow the pattern set by God Himself to His instructions to Aaron in Numbers 6:22-27. and also by the Apostles of Jesus Christ, who closed their epistles with similar benedictions.
As Christians we should use these Scriptural benedictions in our personal lives, such as in family devotions and the closing of our letters to absent members in the family. Especially in these days, when so many sons and daughters are leaving their homes for college, work, or to enter the armed forces of our country, should hear these words of divine benediction. I'm remembering my grandfather using it everytime he came to visit or when we were leaving his home. We thereby indicate that however much we may wish them health and safety, our chief concern is for their spiritual and eternal welfare.
These are not empty words. They breathe a prayer. They actually convey the grace of God to a believing disciple of Jesus Christ.
Christian friends, what legacy will you leave behind? Whom are you training to carry on your work? It is our responsibility to do all we can do to keep the gospel message alive for the next generation.
Your parting words, O LORD, give hope,
They're filled with promise, joy, and love;
Help us to share what You have done
With grace and power from above.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - If faith in Christ is worth having it's worth sharing.