"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is steadfast on Thee, because he trusts in You."
- Isaiah 26:3
Perfect peace, is it really attainable?
In these days of unrest and unsettlement, of strife and dissension in the nation, and of warfare between the nations, perfect peace seems altogether out of reach of any individual. Just in these trying days, when or hearts long for peace, we may not only find peace but even be kept in perfect peace. You ask, how is this possible.?
Like the Prophet of old we must realize that God is the Author of peace and that sin and Satan are the real disturbers of peace. Even today all the unrest, strife, and disturbance in the world are caused by . . .
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is steadfast on Thee, because he trusts in You."
- Isaiah 26:3
Perfect peace, is it really attainable?
In these days of unrest and unsettlement, of strife and dissension in the nation, and of warfare between the nations, perfect peace seems altogether out of reach of any individual. Just in these trying days, when or hearts long for peace, we may not only find peace but even be kept in perfect peace. You ask, how is this possible.?
Like the Prophet of old we must realize that God is the Author of peace and that sin and Satan are the real disturbers of peace. Even today all the unrest, strife, and disturbance in the world are caused by man's forgetfulness of God and disobedience to His laws; by greed, envy, discontent, jealousy, and hatred. We forget God's peace when we do not live in harmony with His will. But whenever we turn from our sins and in true repentance look to Christ for forgiveness, we obtain, first of all, peace with God. "Being justified, by faith, we have peace with God through our LORD Jesus Christ, Rom. 5:1. Then, as Christ the Prince of Peace dwells in our hearts by faith, we obtain peace from God, that is, we gain an inner rest and calmness and confidence that knows neither fear nor anxiety.
Christian friends, trust in the LORD, for in the LORD Jehovah is everlasting strength, Isa. 26:44. Relying neither on ourselves nor on any frail man, we are lifted above excitement and worry, and we are kept in perfect peace, because our mind is stayed and fixed on God.
Like a river glorious is God's perfect peace,
Over all victorious in its bright increase;
Perfect, et if floweth fuller every day,
Perfect, yet is groweth deeper all the way.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - When the Christian stays his mind on Christ, he develops a wonderful CALMplex.