"We love Him, because He first loved us."
- 1 John 4:19
A little girl was critically ill and need a blood transfusion. The doctor tested her brother's blood and found it just right. They asked the boy if he would give his blood. Of course he would. they prepared him. Just as the doctor was ready to begin, the boy turned deathly pale. "What's the matter, Buddy?" the doctor asked. "When will I die?" the boy inquired. "Die?" You're not going to die," the doctor replied and then asked: "Did you think this would kill you?" Sure, said the boy. "And yet you were willing to give your blood for your sister?" Sure she's my sister, isn't she, and I love her.
Christ first loved us. Willingly He left the company of seraphim and cherubim and lived in the . . .
"We love Him, because He first loved us."
- 1 John 4:19
A little girl was critically ill and need a blood transfusion. The doctor tested her brother's blood and found it just right. They asked the boy if he would give his blood. Of course he would. they prepared him. Just as the doctor was ready to begin, the boy turned deathly pale. "What's the matter, Buddy?" the doctor asked. "When will I die?" the boy inquired. "Die?" You're not going to die," the doctor replied and then asked: "Did you think this would kill you?" Sure, said the boy. "And yet you were willing to give your blood for your sister?" Sure she's my sister, isn't she, and I love her.
Christ first loved us. Willingly He left the company of seraphim and cherubim and lived in the midst of sinful humanity that He might work our souls salvation. He entire life was a life of love, culminating in that supreme sacrifice when He offered up Himself on the altar of the Cross, that we might be His own forever.
Christian friends, I love Him, do you? Love to Christ is the strongest, the most beautiful characteristic of a pious Christian heart. Without love of Christ we can perform no acceptable service whatever to our LORD. We may boast of many works, which men are apt to prize highly, but they are not pleasing in the sight of God if love of Christ is not present with them.
I sought the LORD, and afterward I knew, He moved my soul to seek Him, seeking me; It was not I that found, O Savior true; No, I was found of Thee!
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Looking for God's love? Look to Jesus Christ.