"I am ready to preach the Gospel to you that are at Rome also for it is the power of God unto Salvation."
- Romans 1:15,16
Those of you who have read anything about St. Paul, know he had a remarkable philosophy of life. The Gospel of Christ was his supreme treasure. He considered himself a debtor to every one who did not possess the Gospel. This Gospel he was ready to preach at Rome. The city represented all that was powerful and majestic in the world and so what could Paul bring to them?
Just one thing, the Gospel, the glad news of salvation in Christ, it was the power of God, and that . . .
"I am ready to preach the Gospel to you that are at Rome also for it is the power of God unto Salvation."
- Romans 1:15,16
Those of you who have read anything about St. Paul, know he had a remarkable philosophy of life. The Gospel of Christ was his supreme treasure. He considered himself a debtor to every one who did not possess the Gospel. This Gospel he was ready to preach at Rome. The city represented all that was powerful and majestic in the world and so what could Paul bring to them?
Just one thing, the Gospel, the glad news of salvation in Christ, it was the power of God, and that was Rome's pride. Even into this city of power Paul is eager to penetrate with the Gospel. Even as he visualizes a royal battle, he knows the Gospel is the power of God and that it will prevail.
Christian friends, for your own benefit and for the blessing of others, don't neglect the Scriptures. With Christ at our side and with His conquering Gospel on our lips, we cannot fail. DID YOU TAKE TIME TO READ IT TODAY?
Most perfect is the Word of God,
Restoring those who stray;
His testimony is most sure,
Proclaiming wisdom's way.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - There's a difference between the books that men make and the Book that makes men.