"Christ must increase, but I must decrease."
- John 3:30
"I will place absolutely no value upon anything that I have or possess escept in its relation to the Kingdom of Christ." That is a practical explanation of John the Baptist's motto: "Christ must increase, but I must decrease."
Neither the apostle Paul nor John the Baptist would have agreed with the modern-day success formula that says, to be somebody you have to put yourself first. I have heard a song that . . .
"Christ must increase, but I must decrease."
- John 3:30
"I will place absolutely no value upon anything that I have or possess escept in its relation to the Kingdom of Christ." That is a practical explanation of John the Baptist's motto: "Christ must increase, but I must decrease."
Neither the apostle Paul nor John the Baptist would have agreed with the modern-day success formula that says, to be somebody you have to put yourself first. I have heard a song that says, "Oh, to be saved from myself, dear LORD.Oh, to be lost in Thee, Oh, that it might be no more I, but Christ that lives in me."
Christian friends, likewise, we must recognize that Jesus is everything. John said, "He who comes from heaven is above all." John 3:31. Let's give Christ His rightful place--center stage in our lives.
Give me, Savior, a purpose deep,
In joy or sorrow Your trust to keep;
And so through trouble, care, and strife,
To keep You first in my daily life.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - When Christ is the center of your focus all else will come into proper perspective.