"Now Moses said to Hobab son of Reuel, the Midianite, Moses' father-in-law, "We are setting out for the place about which the LORD said, 'I will give it to you.' Come with us and we will treat you well, for the LORD has promised good things to Israel."
- Numbers 10:29
The brother-in-law of Moses had accompanied the children of Israel on their journey through the wilderness as far as Mount Sinai. Here he decided to leave them and to return to his homeland. Reminding him that the Children of Israel were journeying toward the Promised Land, Moses issued to his brother-in-law the sincere and cordial invitation: "Come thou with us, and we will do thee good."
As Christians we have . . .
"Now Moses said to Hobab son of Reuel, the Midianite, Moses' father-in-law, "We are setting out for the place about which the LORD said, 'I will give it to you.' Come with us and we will treat you well, for the LORD has promised good things to Israel."
- Numbers 10:29
The brother-in-law of Moses had accompanied the children of Israel on their journey through the wilderness as far as Mount Sinai. Here he decided to leave them and to return to his homeland. Reminding him that the Children of Israel were journeying toward the Promised Land, Moses issued to his brother-in-law the sincere and cordial invitation: "Come thou with us, and we will do thee good."
As Christians we have the right to extend a similar invitation to our unchurched friends and acquaintances. We are pilgrims in a passing world, journeying toward that place of which the LORD has said to all believers: "I will give it to you." It is the Canaan above, the city of God, the place of which Christ so assuringly promised: "I go to prepare a place for you," and again, "Where I am, there shall also My servant be."
Christian friends, when we extend an invitation, it must be cordial and sincere. We cannot hope to attract others unless they feel the warmth of a loving heart in our appeal. People will not know you appreciate them if you do not tell them they are important to you. Complimenting those who deserve it builds lasting relationships and helps people know they are valued.
My life today I yield, O LORD to Thee,
A channel for Thy love and grace to be;
Use me just as Thou wilt, I humbly pray,
To point some soul unto the Living Way.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Witnessing isn't just a job to be done, it's a life to be lived.