"Singing with grace in your hearts to the LORD."
- Colossians 3:16
In God's house singing plays a prominent part. Music and song are among God's greatest gifts to man. He who gave these gifts wants them employed to the praise and honor of His holy name. There is nothing more pleasing to the LORD than a singing congregation, where worshipers sing with grace in their hearts unto Him. Song gives to the worshipers a special opportunity publicly to glorify God and to sing the praises of His redeeming love.
Some day, by the . . .
"Singing with grace in your hearts to the LORD."
- Colossians 3:16
In God's house singing plays a prominent part. Music and song are among God's greatest gifts to man. He who gave these gifts wants them employed to the praise and honor of His holy name. There is nothing more pleasing to the LORD than a singing congregation, where worshipers sing with grace in their hearts unto Him. Song gives to the worshipers a special opportunity publicly to glorify God and to sing the praises of His redeeming love.
Some day, by the mercies of God, it will be our privilege to sing with that heavenly throng the song of eternity; "Blessing and honor, and glory, and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb forever and ever." That exalted scene we ought to keep before our mind's eye when we sing the praises of God here below.
Christian friends, as you encourage others by sharing God's Word from your heart, it will be music to their ears.
Sing praise to God who reigns above,
The God of all creation,
The God of power, the God of love,
The God of our salvation.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Let God's Word fill your heart and guide your words.