"Amasiah willingly offered himself unto the LORD."
- 2 Chronicles 17:16
Amasiah was a military man, one of the chief officers in the reign of King Jehoshaphat. So important was he that two hundred thousand men were put under his command. Indeed a man of prominence, leadership and recognized ability. But the noblest characteristic of this man is revealed in the brief biographical sketch: "Amasiah willingly offered himself unto the LORD."
Let is note what this man offered unto the LORD, he offered himself willingly. That is our supreme offering. The highest contribution that . . .
"Amasiah willingly offered himself unto the LORD."
- 2 Chronicles 17:16
Amasiah was a military man, one of the chief officers in the reign of King Jehoshaphat. So important was he that two hundred thousand men were put under his command. Indeed a man of prominence, leadership and recognized ability. But the noblest characteristic of this man is revealed in the brief biographical sketch: "Amasiah willingly offered himself unto the LORD."
Let is note what this man offered unto the LORD, he offered himself willingly. That is our supreme offering. The highest contribution that any man or woman can make is to give himself or herself unto the LORD. What a glorious thing for men and women to rise up and say without being coaxed or compelled: "Christ ought to have my best, and I am going to give Him my best."
Christian friends, let us be an asset to our congregations and be ready to say with God-given determination: "Here Lord I give myself to Thee, this is all that I can do."
Give me a faithful heart, likeness to Thee,
That each departing day hencefore may see
Some work of love begun, Some deed of kindness done,
Some wand'rer sought and won, Something for Thee.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. And Pray -- Gracious LORD, help me to realize that Thou has redeemed me in order that I might be Thine own, to live under Thee in Thy kingdom, and to serve Thee. Amen