"He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul."
- Psalm 106:15
Some of us, feel that we might have begun the new year in a happier frame of mind if we had a bank account that would ease our financial pressure or if we had climbed higher on the ladder of success and honor. Somehow our loyalty to God does not seem to bring us the rewards that come to many who show little or no interest in church.
The Israelites in the desert insisted on luxurious living. God yielded to . . .
"He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul."
- Psalm 106:15
Some of us, feel that we might have begun the new year in a happier frame of mind if we had a bank account that would ease our financial pressure or if we had climbed higher on the ladder of success and honor. Somehow our loyalty to God does not seem to bring us the rewards that come to many who show little or no interest in church.
The Israelites in the desert insisted on luxurious living. God yielded to their request. But tragedy was the result. Self-indulgence brought about leanness of the soul. The punishment for many was death.
The full purse and the lean soul often are companions. The same is true of worldly honor. Therefore we must pray:
Not what we wish, but what we want,
Oh, let Thy grace supply!
The good, unasked, in mercy grant;
The ill, though asked, deny.
Our real, our indispensable assets are forgiveness of sin through Jesus, who suffered and died for us on Calvary's Cross; God's assurance "Fear not, I am with thee"; a faith that overcometh the world; a faith that worketh by love; the hope of the glory of God.
Christian friends, Take warning, be submissive to the LORD'S will. to keep asking for what you know is displeasing to God is to engage in harmful praying.
Let faith each meek petition fill
And waft it to the skies,
And teach our hearts 'tis goodness still
That grants it or denies
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Don't pray amiss, you may get what you ask for.