"Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help."
- Psalm 146:3
Sometimes it's hard to believe that trusting the LORD and doing what we know is right is in our best interest. It's easy to assume that we can cut corners in life without getting caught. As Christians, though, we should know better. The Bible warns us that to rely on our own schemes, on people, or on anything other than God always results in loss.
Astrology is mentioned in our Scripture reading today, is one such attempt to sidestep trusting the LORD. Very early in history, man began looking at the rhythms and cycles in nature, hoping to . . .
"Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help."
- Psalm 146:3
Sometimes it's hard to believe that trusting the LORD and doing what we know is right is in our best interest. It's easy to assume that we can cut corners in life without getting caught. As Christians, though, we should know better. The Bible warns us that to rely on our own schemes, on people, or on anything other than God always results in loss.
Astrology is mentioned in our Scripture reading today, is one such attempt to sidestep trusting the LORD. Very early in history, man began looking at the rhythms and cycles in nature, hoping to find good luck and avoid the bad. He put his faith in the movements of the planets and stars, letting them influence his greatest decisions. But God has predicted the ultimate collapse and judgment of those who chart the direction of their lives by the signs in the heavens.
There is only One in whom we can safely trust. We can depend upon God who promised to use His eternal power and the unlimited resources at His command to satisfy all who put their confidence in Him. Avoid the trust trap of relying on some aspect of creation rather than the Creator Himself.
Happy is the man that chooses
Israel's God to be his aid;
He is blest whose hope of blessing
On the LORD his God is stayed.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Living without trust in God is like driving in the fog.