"For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive?"
This is a heart and memory searching question. It greets us at every point as we try to take inventory of our assets and humbles us.
Our original equipment of body, mind, and soul is a gift of God. By grace are we saved, through faith, and that not of ourselves; it is the gift of God. Our faith is nourished by the Bible, a book given by . . .
"For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive?"
This is a heart and memory searching question. It greets us at every point as we try to take inventory of our assets and humbles us.
Our original equipment of body, mind, and soul is a gift of God. By grace are we saved, through faith, and that not of ourselves; it is the gift of God. Our faith is nourished by the Bible, a book given by inspiration of God, a book which through the providence of God has survived the changes and the attacks of many centuries.
Our personality reflects the influences that have come to us from parents, teachers, friends and associates. In making our living we are dependent upon a political and economic order that calls for the co-operation of many. Behind all these human activities is God who rules, overrules, for our welfare. So what have we that we have not received?
This question also deepens in us the sense of responsibility. There is no such thing as absolute ownership.. Therefore nobody can say: "This is mine to be used as I please." We are divinely appointed stewards. As such we are to invest ourselves, our talents of body and mind, our possessions, to the glory of God, for the temporal and eternal welfare of our fellow men.
What Christ will say on judgment day
Will finally make life's values clear;
He'll show that we were rich or poor
By what on earth we held most dear.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - The richest people on earth are those who invest their lives in heaven.