"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD my strength and my Redeemer."
- Psalm 19:14
This is the prayer of one who has stood reverently in the temple of nature, where everything saith glory. The heavens and the firmament in universal language speak the praises of their Creator.
He notes that God has also established a character and a course for man. He reveals them in a Law that is perfect. Man, loving God with all his heart and his neighbor as himself, would have been the . . .
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD my strength and my Redeemer."
- Psalm 19:14
This is the prayer of one who has stood reverently in the temple of nature, where everything saith glory. The heavens and the firmament in universal language speak the praises of their Creator.
He notes that God has also established a character and a course for man. He reveals them in a Law that is perfect. Man, loving God with all his heart and his neighbor as himself, would have been the brightest star in a universe of divine glory.
But man sinned. He chose his own path and thus defeated the destiny which God had in view for him. The Psalmist includes himself and prays for cleansing from Him whom he calls his Strength and his Redeemer.
At the close of another week we are painfully aware how little we have reflected the glory of God in what we have thought, spoken, and done. There were some bright spots in whatever we did out of faith, according to the Ten Commandments, for the glory of God and the welfare of our fellow man. But there still was much, for which we ask God's forgiveness for Jesus' sake.
Christian friends, As your thoughts turn toward the house of God, in which tomorrow you shall assemble with others for worship, pray that God may take from your heart thoughts and attitudes that interfere. Parry that the words spoken and sung may be the vice of a believing and loving heart.
LORD, unseal our lips to sing thy praise,
Our souls to Thee in worship raise,
Make strong our faith, increase our light
That we may know thy name aright.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Obedience to God removes pretense for our prayers. You can never praise God too much.