"And Lo the star went before them."
Matthew 2:1-12
During the Christmas season, God appears as man. During Epiphany Jesus appears as God. He shines forth as the eternal light of the entire world.
We begin this season with the star which became visible to make Jesus clearly known and shines forth as the star of Jacob. This season presents the manifestation of Christ as Son of God and Savior of the world. His glory is revealed for all people to see and enjoy. Jesus' childhood, baptism and the miracles of His early ministry all show Him to be the true God in the flesh and fulfillment of the OT prophecies.
Epiphany reminds us that when . . .
"And Lo the star went before them."
Matthew 2:1-12
During the Christmas season, God appears as man. During Epiphany Jesus appears as God. He shines forth as the eternal light of the entire world.
We begin this season with the star which became visible to make Jesus clearly known and shines forth as the star of Jacob. This season presents the manifestation of Christ as Son of God and Savior of the world. His glory is revealed for all people to see and enjoy. Jesus' childhood, baptism and the miracles of His early ministry all show Him to be the true God in the flesh and fulfillment of the OT prophecies.
Epiphany reminds us that when the kindness and love of God or Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. Titus 3:4,5
Unlike Herod, in our text, the Gentile Magi truly intended to worship the Messiah King. Their gifts showed the sincerity of their worship. What a sight to see these truly wise men, bow down and worship this Child. What power the Holy Spirit has to convince human hearts this Child born of Mary is not only a human being but Immanuel.(God with us). This is truly the Epiphany. The star served the baby Jesus and serves us today in the God intended. The star gives Jesus glory. Christ, the great Anointed: Heaven and earth His glory sing; Glad receive whom God appointed, for your Prophet, Priest, and King.
All glory unto Jesus be
And praise for His Epiphany
Whom with the Father we adore
And Holy Spirit evermore.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Wise men still seek Him.