"And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed."
- Isaiah 40:5
Many of you celebrated the First Sunday in Advent last Sunday, marking the beginning of a new church year, ushering in the season of Advent, during which we look forward to, and make preparation for, a God-pleasing celebration of the Christmas festival.
A favorite Advent custom of God's people is . . .
"And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed."
- Isaiah 40:5
Many of you celebrated the First Sunday in Advent last Sunday, marking the beginning of a new church year, ushering in the season of Advent, during which we look forward to, and make preparation for, a God-pleasing celebration of the Christmas festival.
A favorite Advent custom of God's people is to study some of the grand prophecies of the OT concerning the promised Messiah and to note their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. The book of the Prophet Isaiah abounds with Messianic prophecies and should be read by us with pleasure and profit during this season.
In the passage quoted above, Isaiah declares that when the Messiah will have come, "the glory of the LORD shall be revealed." We beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
Christian friends, God grant that you too in Advent and at Christmas may see the glory of the LORD revealed in Jesus, the Christ Child and Savior of the world. In anticipation of that wonderful day, we exclaim, "Even so, come, LORD Jesus" Rev. 22:20
Then will our trials be over, Then will our pains cease to be, Then will our joy be unbounded, When Jesus' coming we see.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Life's burdens will seem small when we see Jesus.