"As I live, saith the LORD God, I have no pleasue in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his ways and live."
- Exekiel 33:11
One of the most subtle devices of Satan and unbelievers to prevent a sinner from turning to God and seeking forgiveness is to misrepresent Him as a hard and merciless LORD. And when some people once get this false idea of God, they often become hardened in heart and willfully go on in their sinful ways.
In the statement above, as if to . . .
"As I live, saith the LORD God, I have no pleasue in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his ways and live."
- Exekiel 33:11
One of the most subtle devices of Satan and unbelievers to prevent a sinner from turning to God and seeking forgiveness is to misrepresent Him as a hard and merciless LORD. And when some people once get this false idea of God, they often become hardened in heart and willfully go on in their sinful ways.
In the statement above, as if to end once and for all this ghastly belief that He finds delight in human misery and destruction, God affirms with a solemn oath that He has "no pleasure in the death of the wicked." Can anything be stronger than that? What God states under oath must be true. Let no man, no matter how clever in his argument, ever persuade us to entertain any doubt about it.
Christian friends, When we have sinned and begin to cry in sincere repentance: "God be merciful to me a sinner," we can be certain that He has pleasure; for the very purpose for which He gave His own Son is about to be accomplished, the salvation of a sinner. Jesus said: "There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth."
God dwells in light and holiness,
In splendor and in might;
It's godly fear of His great power
That helps us do what's right.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Mankind's limited potential highlights God's limitless power.