"Bless the LORD, O my soul, bless His holy name."
- Psalm 103:1
The Bibical understanding of names is that a person's name is a part of that person. When we honor a name, we honor the person who owns that name, and vice versa. The psalmist writes: "As Thy name, O God, so Thy praise reaches to the ends of the earth." God's name is God as He has revealed Himself.
But here, as in all things, honest believers recognizes that they have not hollowed God's name in their lives as they should have. But the nature of our God is that His main evidence of glory is in showing mercy. In His love He . . .
"Bless the LORD, O my soul, bless His holy name."
- Psalm 103:1
The Bibical understanding of names is that a person's name is a part of that person. When we honor a name, we honor the person who owns that name, and vice versa. The psalmist writes: "As Thy name, O God, so Thy praise reaches to the ends of the earth." God's name is God as He has revealed Himself.
But here, as in all things, honest believers recognizes that they have not hollowed God's name in their lives as they should have. But the nature of our God is that His main evidence of glory is in showing mercy. In His love He forgives us our failures through the One who has "the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow. Thanks to the cross of Jesus, and through His name, we have forgiveness for all our sins. In that forgiveness we are then free to honor the name of the LORD with proper prayer, praise, thanksgiving, and holy lives.
Christian friends, give thanks unto the LORD. Labor for the LORD prompted by gratitude. You should feel as though you could not do enough for Him, since He has done so much for you.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - To us here in the world, God has been more gracious then ever before since the time of Christ Himself.