"There is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes."
- Numbers 11:6
The children of Israel would have starved in the wilderness if God had not caused manna to fall from the skies. For a time the people were grateful. Later they began to complain: they had had too much manna; they were tired of it; they wanted something else.
Are we beyond the possibility of doing the same thing in an even weightier manner? God sent His only begotten Son from heaven to be the Bread of Life for us. Jesus said, "If any man . . .
"There is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes."
- Numbers 11:6
The children of Israel would have starved in the wilderness if God had not caused manna to fall from the skies. For a time the people were grateful. Later they began to complain: they had had too much manna; they were tired of it; they wanted something else.
Are we beyond the possibility of doing the same thing in an even weightier manner? God sent His only begotten Son from heaven to be the Bread of Life for us. Jesus said, "If any man eat of this Bread, he shall live forever." He told us where this Bread could be found, saying, "Search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, and they are they which testify of Me." Without this Bread there can be no spiritual life, and the soul would perish forever. The strength or weakness of our spiritual life will depend on the extent to which we use God's Word, the storehouse of the Bread of life.
Christian friends, It is necessary, therefore, that we set aside ample time to read and hear His Word, to feed on Christ, our heavenly Manna, and thus find strength for our faith and energy for Christian living. We can never have too much of the Bread of Life.
Every time you want to grumble,
Think of others who have less;
Ask the LORD to keep you humble,
Grateful for each happiness.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Some people go through life standing at the complaint counter.