"Every day I will bless Thee and praise Thy name forever and ever."
Psalm 145:2
Thanksgiving Day is set aside for giving thanks. We need not search for reasons to be thankful. An abundance of gifts and blessings come to us every day. Thanklessness is very rude on our part.
How are we give thanks? Just in feeling good?,in feasting with relatives and friends? It is good to be with our dear ones and enjoy tasty food. But thanksgiving is more than that. It is a continuous appreciation of the child of God. Belonging to God by the merits of Jesus through faith, the Christian knows that every . . .
"Every day I will bless Thee and praise Thy name forever and ever."
Psalm 145:2
Thanksgiving Day is set aside for giving thanks. We need not search for reasons to be thankful. An abundance of gifts and blessings come to us every day. Thanklessness is very rude on our part.
How are we give thanks? Just in feeling good?,in feasting with relatives and friends? It is good to be with our dear ones and enjoy tasty food. But thanksgiving is more than that. It is a continuous appreciation of the child of God. Belonging to God by the merits of Jesus through faith, the Christian knows that every good and perfect gift comes from above. He knows that God gives His own joys and success.
Sometimes this good Father permits sorrows and reverses to come to His own. But even then the child of God gives thanks for the blessings which remain. We know that all things work together for good to them that love God. By faith in the savior, a most precious gift, the child of God has a loving heavenly Father who does all things well. For all things the child of God thanks the Father in heaven.
This Thanksgiving let us not give mere lip service. In thought, word, and deed we thank our God. Our lives, our love, our all comes from Him. Therefore let us give our life, our love our all daily to Him, and every day give thanks.
We should be ready to give the LORD thanks for blessings as well as for test; hearts that are thankful is all that He asks; let's trust Him to give what is best.
PRAY - Thou, gracious God, You give us all things. In thankfulness we dedicate our all to Thee. Amen