"Let everyone of you so love his wife even as himself; and the wife reverence her husband."
Ephesians 5:33
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, but always with the same person. Husbands are to be understanding and affectionate. Wives are to be helpful and responsive to every reasonable request of their husbands. Marriage is a two-way street of consideration and cooperation. The Bible emphasizes that it should be a blessed and lasting bond, not a trial balloon. A husband who forgets to show love because he's busy as a bee may one day find his honey gone. Wives must remember that marriage is more than finding the right person, it's primarily a . . .
"Let everyone of you so love his wife even as himself; and the wife reverence her husband."
Ephesians 5:33
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, but always with the same person. Husbands are to be understanding and affectionate. Wives are to be helpful and responsive to every reasonable request of their husbands. Marriage is a two-way street of consideration and cooperation. The Bible emphasizes that it should be a blessed and lasting bond, not a trial balloon. A husband who forgets to show love because he's busy as a bee may one day find his honey gone. Wives must remember that marriage is more than finding the right person, it's primarily a matter of being the right person. Each partner should keep from putting selfish notes into the tune of marital harmony. They both must be willing to endure a little heat of disagreement unless they want a half-baked relationship.
The following was written to Gary and me at our shower before the wedding:
There are no hearts that hunger so for expression of affection as the ones of which we are most sure. There is no love that so needs its daily bread as the love that is strongest and holiest. There is no place where rudeness or a crabby attitude is so unpardonable as inside our own doors and toward our beloved husband or wife. The more tender and true the relationship, the more it craves the thousands of little attentions and kindnesses which so reassure and satisfy the heart.
My friends who are husbands and wives, remember, love can stand anything but neglect. Indeed, the bonds of matrimony aren't worth much unless the interest is kept up.
If you've promised to love one another,
Let nothing that vow ever break;
For if God has thus joined you together,
Remember, His honor's at stake.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Many marriages would be happier if the husband tried as hard to keep his wife as he did to win her.