"A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment."
- Prov. 19:19
Nothing is ever gained by allowing anger and secret wishes for revenge to fester in your heart. You will only harm yourself if you do and could make you very ill.
Are you suffering from some built up anger? Call on the person you have offended or been offended by and straighten out your differences. You will both soon feel better and your suffering will . . .
"A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment."
- Prov. 19:19
Nothing is ever gained by allowing anger and secret wishes for revenge to fester in your heart. You will only harm yourself if you do and could make you very ill.
Are you suffering from some built up anger? Call on the person you have offended or been offended by and straighten out your differences. You will both soon feel better and your suffering will disappear.
Christ wants us to express meekness, not malice. Don't let unholy anger injure you and make you sick. Remember, the Bible says most emphatically, "A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment.
Someone may rouse your anger,
But you will happier live
If you an curb your temper,
And then in love FORGIVE.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY; The acid of anger harms the one in whom it's stored more than the one on whom it's poured.