- John 14:27
Millions of people around the world carry with them the lifelong, tragic consequences of international conflict. Each family that remembers a lost son or daughter, the casualty of war, and each veteran who must live with the physical and emotional scars of battle is a testament to mankind's failure to achieve a lasting peace on earth Luke 2:14. What went wrong? Why are we still seeing bombings and shootings and destruction of nations?
The men and women who fought for their country are to be . . .
- John 14:27
Millions of people around the world carry with them the lifelong, tragic consequences of international conflict. Each family that remembers a lost son or daughter, the casualty of war, and each veteran who must live with the physical and emotional scars of battle is a testament to mankind's failure to achieve a lasting peace on earth Luke 2:14. What went wrong? Why are we still seeing bombings and shootings and destruction of nations?
The men and women who fought for their country are to be honored with gratitude. We must also remember that any peace secured by guns can never be permanent. That can only come when the Prince of Peace rules the nations. But He must be enthroned in our hearts now. He brings us an inner peace that comes from trust in God through Christ. It is a peace with God, something that even those who have faced the terrors of war can experience.
One day when Christ returns, there will be worldwide peace. But for now, peace on earth comes to one person at a time. Do you have that peace?
Oh the peace I find in Jesus, peace no power on earth can shake, peace that makes the LORD so precious, peace that none from me can take.
PRAY - LORD of the nations, who calls on the citizens of the land to be obedient to the higher powers, bless the services of those who are enrolled in our country's Armed Forces. Grant that their service may be in peace and not war; that their training may be for defense and not aggression. While they are away from home, keep them steadfast in faith and loyalty to Jesus, the Captain of their salvation. Give us grace to undergird their efforts with our fervent prayers and with our support at home. Amen