"Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same Scripture and preached unto him Jesus."
- Acts 8:35
Do you know Philip? He was not one of the Apostles. He was not an ordained minister. He was a layman, a member of the official board of the First Church at Jerusalem. He was chosen with six others, to assume charge of the administrative affairs of that large congregation in Jerusalem. He is remembered for this but also because he opened his mouth for Jesus.
It must have been the Holy Spirit who directed him to the chariot of an African statesman who was returning from Jerusalem to the land of Ethiopia and . . .
"Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same Scripture and preached unto him Jesus."
- Acts 8:35
Do you know Philip? He was not one of the Apostles. He was not an ordained minister. He was a layman, a member of the official board of the First Church at Jerusalem. He was chosen with six others, to assume charge of the administrative affairs of that large congregation in Jerusalem. He is remembered for this but also because he opened his mouth for Jesus.
It must have been the Holy Spirit who directed him to the chariot of an African statesman who was returning from Jerusalem to the land of Ethiopia and who was reading his Bible, Philip began at the same Scripture and preached unto this man about Jesus. The result was a sinner was converted, and the angels in heaven rejoiced greatly.
Christian friends, this type of preaching is possible for practically everyone, even you. Few of us are called upon to proclaim God's message from the pulpit, but the privilege of speaking about Jesus to an individual is within the reach of the least as well as of the greatest.
People searching for an answer,
Looking for a better way,
Can discover truth and meaning
If God's love we will display
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Any place can be the right place to witness.