"Ye shall not surely die, in the day ye eat thereof, ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil." Gen. 3:4,5
When the serpent told Eve she wouldn't die if she disobeyed the LORD'S command, but that she would experience a new plateau of understanding, he was not telling an outright lie. Eve didn't drop dead the moment she ate the forbidden fruit, and she did gain a new insight into right and wrong. But she and Adam died spiritually that very day, and the process of physical deterioration began in their bodies. This new knowledge brought them . . .
"Ye shall not surely die, in the day ye eat thereof, ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil." Gen. 3:4,5
When the serpent told Eve she wouldn't die if she disobeyed the LORD'S command, but that she would experience a new plateau of understanding, he was not telling an outright lie. Eve didn't drop dead the moment she ate the forbidden fruit, and she did gain a new insight into right and wrong. But she and Adam died spiritually that very day, and the process of physical deterioration began in their bodies. This new knowledge brought them fear and shame.
Satan often tempts a person to live wickedly, making him think he is having fun. The devil never tells you about guilt feelings, dread of dying, and emptiness. So beware of Satan's half-truths. They're more dangerous than a claim that's 100% false.
Yes, Satan is crafty and lies with great skill, He causes his victims to question God's will; But if on the Word of the LORD we depend, We'll not be deceived when the truth he would bend.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When Satan tells a half-truth, he wants us to believe the wrong half.