"This is the day the LORD hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
Mark 10:2-16
Psalm 119:49-56
1+1+Children = A Family.
In the text today Jesus challenges the Law's provisions to end a marriage and upholds God's intention that, when two people marry they join in a holy bond. This bond unites them as one; it is a bond that lasts until death. In the "wholeness" of God's reign, they are no longer two, but one flesh."
If something as vital and important as marriage were left in our trembling hands, we would be in trouble. But take comfort, your marriage is in . . .
"This is the day the LORD hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
Mark 10:2-16
Psalm 119:49-56
1+1+Children = A Family.
In the text today Jesus challenges the Law's provisions to end a marriage and upholds God's intention that, when two people marry they join in a holy bond. This bond unites them as one; it is a bond that lasts until death. In the "wholeness" of God's reign, they are no longer two, but one flesh."
If something as vital and important as marriage were left in our trembling hands, we would be in trouble. But take comfort, your marriage is in the hands of Jesus. He takes the hands of Christian husbands and wives in His own and guides them down the path of selfless love, folds their hands around His own and teaches them how to pray, opens His bountiful hands and pours down blessings of peace, harmony and companionship on married partners.
Take time to read Jesus' words and pray together. Find satisfaction in worshipping at each other's side. Consider it an honor to kneel next to your spouse as together you receive Jesus' living body and blood. Let Jesus place His hands on you and your marriage. "What God has joined together, let man not separate."
The holiest vow that two can make The bond that none may dare to break The vow that bindeth man and wife With God they'll keep these vows for life.
O God, whose almighty power is made known chiefly in showing mercy and pity, grant us the fullness of Your grace that we may be partakers of Your heavenly treasures, Amen