Doubt and despair keep daily company with disciples. And why not? So much of life appears to be at odds with our calling. How shall we find water amid aridity, respect amid anxiety? Life seems to be calculated to defy faith. Doubt leads to unbelief while faith points us toward God. The diving presence is to be seem as our unfailing resource for every need. Our trust can be rooted in God's ablity to produce what He promises.


Genesis 12:1-8

Romans 4:1-5,13-17

John 4:5-26(27-42)

Psalm 95-105:4-11

Jews did everything they could to avoid going through Samaria. But John tells us that Jesus had to go through Samaria. He had to go to Sychar, because He sought there a certain thirsty woman who didn't even know yet that she was thirsty.

This woman certainly wasn't looking for Jesus. If Jesus hadn't spoken to her, she probably would have left the well without saying anything. But Jesus asked her for a drink of water. This surprised the woman as who would ask a Jew for a drink of water.

Jesus wanted to quench her spiritual thirst with His words of forgiveness. This is why He had to go to Sychar to ask this particular woman for a drink. His love for her drove Him to seek and find her.

The Savior still seeks the thirsty. Although we had no desire to go to Him, He came to us. Jesus spoke to us in His Word. Although we didn't even know that we were thirsty. He comes to us to quench our thirst with His words of forgiveness. The Savior's love for us drove Him to seek and find us, just as He sought and found the thirsty woman at the well in Sychar.

God's love that drew salvation's plan
embraces every class of man;
It breaks the toughest racial wall
Because it offers Christ to all.

PRAY - O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy, be gracious to all who have gone astray frmo Your ways, and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of Your Word; throughJesus Christ, Your Son, Our LORD, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen