The trunk of an old tree against the clear blue sky, one broken off dead branch sticking out of the side.- photo by Susan PageAre you thankful for the relationships you share with your neighbours? I want to share how God has expanded my vision, changing my heart and attitude toward loving my neighbour.

Being a baby boomer raised in a sheltered white Anglo-Saxon community meant that I had very little exposure to other cultures apart from the annual Mission Sunday where I would hear a visiting Missionary share their story.

I would financially support missions, but practically speaking, I had no real interest in other cultures until my world expanded. The first big change occurred when my daughter served in missions in S.E. Asia. My vision was enlarged! Shortly after, Canada became a much more diverse nation. Our neighbourhoods rapidly started to change. I began to wonder if I would welcome a neighbour from another culture. In the past, I would have prayed for God to bring a Christian family to live next door.

Fast forward to when a change occurred, and my prayers became missional and outward-focused. I prayed for God to expand my heart to bless others. He answered, and a young couple from India moved in next door and they were delightful. Before them, were newlyweds, he from India, and she from the Philippines. I’ve interacted with both couples more than I could have ever imagined. My former neighbours welcomed their firstborn before they moved to a bigger home, and now my new neighbours are anticipating the arrival of their first child. This has given us time to rejoice in conversation about life’s blessings.

Child entertainer, Mr. Fred Rogers always displayed appreciation and delight with whoever crossed his path. The theme song for his children’s TV show was “Will you be my neighbour?” He sums up what I have experienced with these words, “The older I get, the more I seem to be able to appreciate my “neighbour” (whomever I happen to be with at the moment). Oh, sure I’ve always tried to love my neighbour as myself; however, the more experiences I’ve had, the more chances I’ve had to see the uniqueness of each person … as well as each tree, plant, and shell, and cloud … the more I find myself delighting every day in the lavish gifts of God, whom I’ve come to believe is the greatest appreciator of all.”

Jesus said it so well when He said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39). When Jesus answered the question “Who is my neighbour,” He told the parable of The Good Samaritan. The good neighbour was the one who showed mercy, who helped someone in their time of need, even a total stranger.

Jesus told us to go and do likewise.

There are wonderful discoveries found inside the uniqueness of each man, woman, and child, all made in God's image. There are hidden treasures to be unwrapped within new relationships. It can be an exciting and thrilling adventure, and it is all for God’s glory! So, let us prepare our hearts to go, and ask this important question, “Will you be my neighbour?”

 Susan PageSusan Page is the daughter of the King, His beloved child, wonderfully forgiven and blessed! Susan longs to age gracefully, becoming more like Jesus as she seeks the hidden treasures revealed to her through Scripture, literature, the arts, humankind, and nature.