Monthly Archive

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 20637 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Careful Pulling The Plug

Out in Kansas, tornadoes often hit with sudden devastation, and without warning.  In one case, a house was completely whisked away leaving only the foundation and first floor.  A silver-hair... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Tax Forms

It was April and Tax Day was looming when an elderly woman showed up at my desk at the IRS. She said she required a thick stack of tax forms. "Why so many?" I asked."My son is overseas," she said. ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Top Ten Things You'll Never Hear A Dad Say

10.  Well, how 'bout that?  I'm lost!  Looks like we'll have to stop and ask for directions. 9.  You know Pumpkin, now that you're thirteen, you'll be ready for unchaperoned car d read more..

The Spur
Marcia Lee Laycock

Nesting Near

Some time ago, my middle daughter, Laura, called to ask my advice. She is at an "in- between" place right now. She's been working in the city but feeling restless, feeling that God has something more ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Ad Woes

A disappointed soft drink salesman returned from his Middle East assignment. His boss asked, "Why weren't you successful with the Arabs?"The salesman explained, "When I got posted in the Middle East,... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

New Computer Viruses You Should Know About

*New Computer Viruses You Should Know About* THE LIBERAL VIRUS Before deleting all your files, this virus tells you: "That you don't need them anyway and they wouldn't want to be burdened with such o read more..

Barb's Mantle
Barbara Sanders

Thoughts Running Wild!

Imagine going around a curve, or up a steep hill, and your car starts sputtering, and the speed begins to lower. It doesn't matter how much you press on the gas, it is not going anywhere. You let off ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Bunch Of Laughs

Over the massive front doors of a church, these words were inscribed: The Gate of Heaven".  Below that was a small cardboard sign which read: "Please use other entrance." Rev.  Warren J.&nb... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim


She had a wedding to go to, and needed a wedding gift. Aha, she thought, I have that monogrammed silver tray from my wedding that I never use. I'll just take it to a silversmith and have him remove ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Photo Radar

A motorist was unknowingly caught in an automated speed trap that measured his speed using radar and photographed his car. He later received in the mail, a ticket for $40.00, and a photo of his car.&... read more..

Rev. Spence Laycock
Rev. Spence Laycock

Cautions To a Great Church

One of the most memorable experiences I ever had was in helping to build a small shed. There was nothing impressive about the size of it, just a 10 by 12 shed. It was going to house a generator so we ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Raise Request

Employee: I have been here 11 years doing three men's work for one man's pay. Now I want a raise.Boss: Well, I can't give you a raise, but if you'll tell me who the other two men are, I'll fire them.... read more..

Dr. Harold McNabb
Dr. Harold McNabb

Affirmation in a Time of Suffering

When I was doing the background reading on 1 Peter, I was reminded of the terrible sufferings which the early church endured. The exact dating of Peter's letters is not clear. It could have been durin... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Something Nice For Dad

Unable to attend the funeral after his father died, a son who lived far away called his brother and told him, "Do something nice for Dad and send me the bill." Later, he got a bill for $200.00, which... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Well Done

John was furious when his steak arrived too rare."Waiter," he shouted, "Didn't you hear me say 'well done'?""I can't thank you enough, sir," replied the waiter. "I hardly ever get a compliment."... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder

I'm Not A Christian, But I Play One On Sunday

After more than three decades of church ministry, I have come to one unsettling conclusion. Actually, I've come to more than one conclusion, but this one is the most depressing. That conclusion is sim... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Sayings About Aging

Thoughts on Growing Old ~ Maybe it's true that life begins at fifty.  But everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out. ~ There are three signs of old age.  The first is yo... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Pig Feed

There was a farmer who had many pigs. One day someone went to the farm and asked the farmer: "What do you use to feed your pigs?""Well, I give them acorn, corn, and things like that. Why?""Because I... read more..


Spring Cleaning and the Rain

Spring Cleaning and the rain do not go together.  The week before the time changed to Daylight Savings Time I had started my spring cleaning and I was so proud of myself.  "I have just two t... read more..

Jerry Lemieux

Christianity vs Churchianity

I was brought up Catholic and went to church every Sunday. We also went to church with the school on every first Friday of the month. One year when I was in grade 5, my friend and I went to the 7 o'cl... read more..


Janice S.

Since I''m new here, I just wanted to say hi to everyone, and wish each of you a God Blessed Day. Bye for now.  ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Why Parents Go Gray

The boss of a big company needed to call one of his employees about an urgent problem with one of the main computers.  He dialed the employees home phone number and was greeted with a child's whi... read more..

Peggie's Den
Peggie Bohanon

No Fault!

"It's YOUR fault!" - "No, it's YOUR fault!" Ever listen to a couple of kids quarreling about who's to blame? Or maybe, it's a husband/wife spat--and I won't even guess who wins that one! But there's a read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

You know you're growing old when..

You know you're growing old when..You've come to the annoying realization that your parents were right about almost everything.The bag boy volunteers to help load groceries into your car-in the "ten i... read more..


Catholic Church

April,8 I wanted to say that though I am not a Catholic I believe the choice for the next Pope is very important for the entire world.Not just the Catholic Church. The Pope was human and was not per... read more..


Mini Testimony

Wow. I am still here. Amazing and a great point for PRAISE.Bad health, 13 or 14 addmissions to hospital and losing my job. 3? years ago I was chairbound, rarely sleeping in bed 'cos of breathing diff... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

The Woodcutter

This fellow is looking to buy a saw to cut down some trees in his back yard.  He goes to a chainsaw shop and asks about various chainsaws.  The dealer tells him, "Look, I have a lot of model... read more..

General News
Pastor Tim

The Assault on Clergy Has Begun

Supreme Court Tells PM - Parliament can not protect clergy Dear Clergy and Leaders: Religious freedom in Canada is seriously compromised and the assault on Clergy has begun. Today Bishop Fred Henry ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Warning Labels

Warning Labels!7 Up:Contents under pressure. Cap may blow off causing eye or other serious injury. Point away from face and people, especially when opening.Vicks Nyquil Gel Caps:Use of this product in... read more..


To Hell and Back Again...A Spiritual Journey...

  To Hell and Back Again...A Spiritual Journey... My Name is Steve Funkner, My friends call me Moose.I was born in a little town of Carrot River Saskatchewan. I was raised in a physically abusi read more..