Monthly Archive

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 20637 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
The Spur
Marcia Lee Laycock

Daylight Saving

Sunday 8:00 a.m. It was early, but I headed for the church. I was scheduled to do the power-point presentation of my husband's sermon and I also had to prepare for my Junior High Sunday School Class. ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Einstein At A Party

Albert Einstein arrives at a party and introduces himself to the first person he sees and asks, "What is your IQ?" to which the man answers "241." "That is wonderful!," says Albert.  "We will ta... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

How High Is It?

An Engineering Student, a Physics Student, and a Mathematics student were each given $150 dollars and were told to use that money to find out exactly how tall a particular hotel was.All three ran off,... read more..

Rev. Spence Laycock
Rev. Spence Laycock

Galvanizing the Saints

There is a great war that has been declared upon a natural process, a process that is seen in almost every aspect of life. The war that has been declared can be both righteous and vain; it has desires... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Grasshopper in Bar

A grasshopper goes into a bar and hops on to a barstool to order a drink.  The bartender says "You know, we have a drink named after you? The grasshopper replies, "Really!  You have a drink... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Paper View

I sat there waiting for my new doctor to make his way through the file that contained my very extensive medical history.After he finished all seventeen pages, he looked at me and said, "You look bette... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Just A Kiss Per Yard

Walking up to a department store's fabric counter, a pretty girl asked, "I want to buy this material for a new dress.  How much does it cost?" "Only one kiss per yard," replied the smirking male... read more..

Melva's Devotions
Melva Cooper

The Champion

For several weeks my 91 year-old mother-in-law has been adjusting to her new life in a long term care facility. At first, she completely rejected the idea of being happy away from her home. But, becau... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Religious Lady On Plane

There was a religious lady that had to do a lot of traveling for her business, so naturally she did a lot of flying.  Flying made her extremely nervous, so she always took her Bible along with he... read more..

Dr. Harold McNabb
Pastor Tim

The Pilgrim Life is the Life For Me

Mark Buchanan, pastor of New Life Baptist Church in Duncan, tells of a conversation with a philosophy student during a wedding reception. The student asked Mark if he really believed all that religiou... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

18 Things That Never Happened On Star Trek

*18 Things That Never Happened On Star Trek*1. The Enterprise runs into a mysterious energy field of a type it has encountered several times before.2. The Enterprise goes to visit a remote outpost o read more..

Cybersalt Shaker
Pastor Tim

Skid Marks

Usually skid marks on the concrete in my carport mean that I have been doing brake-stands or peel-outs again with our minivan. That's why I was surprised to see two rubber patches the other day that I... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Talking Clock

While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends, a college student led the way into the den. "What is the big brass gong and hammer for?" one of his friends asked. "That is the talking clock"... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Raise Plea

The basketball coach stormed into the university president's office and demanded a raise right then and there. "Please," protested the college President, "you already make more than the entire Histor... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Miscellaneous Goobers

GOOBERS AT WORK - I was signing the receipt for my credit card purchase when the clerk noticed that I had never signed my name on the back of the credit card.  She informed me that she could not ... read more..

The Spur
Marcia Lee Laycock

Half Way Measures and Rolling Stones

Since I moved to Alberta I have been continually aware of the similarities between farmers and miners. They work equally hard, often don't get paid, but would never want to be doing anything else. T read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

More Sayings

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they are sticking to their diets. Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you find a hairstylist you like. You' read more..

Melva's Devotions
Melva Cooper

The Pear Trees

The sun is shining brightly. Soft, gentle winds are blowing through the trees. Tulips are popping out in brilliant reds and yellows. It is a lovely world we live in! I drive down a street near our hou... read more..

Pastor Tim's CleanLaugh Site
Pastor Tim

How do I get permission to use a joke on the Cleanlaugh site?

The jokes I use on the CleanLaugh site are, for the most part, floating around on the net, source unknown.  For that reason, I can neither give nor deny permission to use them.  That decisio... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Muffin Moving

After living in our house for four years, we were moving out of state. My husband had backed the truck up to our garage door so that we could start loading all of the boxes. Just then one of our nei... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Bricklayer's Insurance Claim

I am writing in response to your request for additional information.  In block number three of the accident reporting form, I put "poor planning" as the cause of my accident.  You said in yo... read more..

Dr. Harold McNabb
Dr. Harold McNabb

Sunday's Coming

Passion week has names for many of the days we celebrate: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, but Saturday has no special name. It's called Holy Saturday, but I think it should have its own n... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Three Expectant Fathers

Three expectant fathers were in the waiting room. The nurse came out of the delivery room and announced to one of the fathers that he was the father of twins.  He was delighted and said what a c... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder

He Is Risen, Indeed Sir, Glory-Hallelujah-Amen.

As a young person growing up in the church, I was familiar with Easter. I heard all the Bible stories and knew them by heart. I understood this was a special time of the year for all Christians. The E... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Geneology Question

When my granddaughter, Ann, was 9-years-old, she was given an assignment by her teacher to write a story on "Where my family came from." The purpose was to understand your genealogy.I was not aware of... read more..

The Spur
Marcia Lee Laycock

A Bad Day And The Day After

My dog died yesterday. We got a call from the vet that she'd been hit by a car. She was still alive when we got there and we had to decide whether or not to try and keep her that way. She was an old d... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Honeymoon In England

On a visit to my wife's native England for our honeymoon, we arrived at London's Gatwick Airport.Tania headed for the British passport control line while I, an American, waited in the foreigners' line... read more..

Barb's Mantle
Barbara Sanders

A Call For Death

This entire week, the television has been swamped with news about the Terri Schiavo case. This is a woman who has lived for fifteen years with a feeding tube, but nothing else to keep her alive. A fee... read more..

Melva's Devotions
Melva Cooper

Carl Edwards - Two Days, Two Wins

Two wins in two days means two backflips from NASCAR's new star Carl Edwards. A few NASCAR drivers before him have taken on the grueling task of driving in both the Busch and Cup Series. But none can ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Reasons Not To Wash

If you took the same excuses that people use for not going to church and apply them to other important areas of life you'd realize how inconsistent we can be in our logic.  For example: Reasons... read more..