Monthly Archive

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 20637 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Shirley Choat
Shirley Choat

Good Morning 01-16

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit." - 1 Corinthians 12:1-11   The Christmas tree has been taken down for a week or two and we don't want to look at the read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Chemistry Stir

This was a story told to us by our chemistry master at school. A female student wished to make some potassium hydroxide solution (aqueous) and decided to throw a large lump of potassium into a bucket ... read more..

Pastor Tim

Freehand Circle Drawing

It was a few years ago when I realized that there was pretty much a world championship for every activity that means anything to anyone.  If you play rock, paper, scissors - there is a world ch read more..

Shirley Choat
Shirley Choat

Good Morning 01-15

"For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch." - Is read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Macho Dude

A young man visiting a dude ranch wanted to be "Macho", and went out walking with one of the hired hands.  Walking through the barnyard, the visitor tried starting a conversation: "Say, look at that ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Coffee Vending Machine

A man put his fifty cents in a vending machine and watched helplessly while the cup failed to appear and a nozzle sent coffee down the drain while another poured cream after it."Now that's automation!... read more..

Pastor Tim

Know Their Religion

Understanding the religion of the people we are defending Jesus to is important. Constantly talking about how the truth applies to ourselves - without consideration of their own spiritual beliefs and ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

How does a home schooler change a light bulb?

Q: How does a home schooler change a light bulb? A: First, mom checks three books on electricity out of the library, then the kids make models of light bulbs, read a biography of Thomas Edison and ... read more..

Shirley Choat
Shirley Choat

Good Morning 01-14

SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY   "This is the day the LORD hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."   Isaiah 62:1-5 1 Cor. 12:1-11 John 2:1-11 Psalm 36   The gos read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Unique Breakfast

A man observed a sign in the window of a restaurant that read Unique Breakfast, so he walked in and sat down.The waitress brought him his coffee and asked him what he wanted."What's your Unique Breakf... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Ten Things a Mom Doesn't Want to Hear

1.  I swallowed a goldfish. 2.  Your lipstick works better than crayons. 3.  Does grape juice leave a stain??? 4.  The principal called... 5.  But DAD says that wo read more..

Shirley Choat
Shirley Choat

Good Morning 01-13

"A good tree cannot bring forth bad fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." - Matthew 7:18   Jesus declared that the quality of the fruit is determined by the c read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Dollar Math

"If you had one dollar and you asked your father for another, how many dollars would you have?"Vinny raised his hand and answered, "One dollar."The teacher shook her head. "You don't know your math."V read more..

Shirley Choat
Shirley Choat

Good Morning 01-12

"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." - Colossians 3:2   Many young people have had the advantage of a Christian home but have turned their backs on i read more..

Pastor Tim

Dragon Illusion

Here is an illusion you don't have to be David Blayne, David Copperfield, or any other magician named David (for that matter) to be able to afford to do. As for how to create this optical i read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Convent Card

As a Dominican sister, I lived in a convent named for a deceased pope. One day while I was wearing contemporary clothes instead of my habit, I drove into a gas station to get the communal car fille... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Laws of Parenthood

There is the Law of Gravity - And then, there is the Law of ParenthoodA child's behavior will improve in proportion to the distance she is away from the parent.Two is equal to two, except when referri... read more..

Pastor Tim

Type to a Million

From time to time there are people who just do stuff that is simply unbelievable not only from the stand point of what they did, but also in response to the question of why on earth they would do it read more..

Shirley Choat
Shirley Choat

Good Morning 01-11

"When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too." - Luke 3:21   Luke emphasizes Jesus' human nature. Jesus was born to humble parents, a birth unannounced exc read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Missed Cues

This actually happend to CLeanLaugh list member Nila Wilhem.  She writes, "Several years ago, we were rehearsing 'Little Women' for our Garland Civic Theatre. The older gentle... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Community Paper

Glenelg, Maryland is such a small community, I was surprised that they had a community paper. I asked one old-timer about it.He replied, "We all know what everybody else is doing, but we like to read... read more..

Pastor Tim

Jet Man

One of the things I admire most about mankind is our ability to come up with creative ways to die while having an adrenalin rush. Take me for example.  Though I did not die doing it, I did read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Research Team

A research team proceeded towards the apex of a natural geologic protuberance, the purpose of their expedition being the procurement of a sample of fluid hydride of oxygen in a large vessel, the exact... read more..

Shirley Choat
Shirley Choat

Good Morning 01-10

"And Lo the star went before them." Matthew 2:1-12   During the Christmas season, God appears as man. During Epiphany Jesus appears as God. He shines forth as the eternal light of read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Kid Wisdom

When your dad is mad and asks you, 'Do I look stupid?' Don't answer.Never tell your Mom her diet's not working.Stay away from prunes.Don't pull Dad's finger when he tells you to.Never let your three-y... read more..

Pastor Tim

Jumping Fish

The largest fish I ever caught was a 36 pound Chinook Salmon.  I can't say it was a lot of work because not having caught a lot of fish that size, I figured that was just the normal effort read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Summer Plans

Summer vacation was almost about to start and the teacher asked little Sammy about a family trip she vaguely knew he would be going on. "We are going to visit my grandmother in Minneapolis, Mi... read more..

Shirley Choat
Shirley Choat

Good Morning 01-09

"Be thou an example in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity." - 1 Timothy 4:12   After reading this ask yourself, "Are people learning this from me?" read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Bicycle Accidents

In the early 1990's, when I was stationed at Caserma Carlo Ederle in Italy, it was very common to see soldiers riding bicycles back and forth to work.So it came as no big surprise that, after a series... read more..

Pastor Tim

Post-It Jaguar

The closest I have ever come to owning a Jaguar was when I owned a BMW. (It makes sense in my head anyway.) It was not in mint condition so I parked it wherever I wanted to.  I've also read more..